Lower Saluda River - A Gem in our backyard

This Fall we spent some time photographing the Lower Saluda River which flows out of the Lake Murray dam and merges downstream with the Broad River to form the Congaree River in the City of Columbia. On the river in the Fall, you may forget that you are in the Midlands and visually transform yourself to a mountain stream! The rock outcrops, the heavily wooded landscape and the Fall color make for a excellent day trip.

Did you know ?

1) The 10-mile segment of the Saluda River beginning one mile below Lake Murray Dam to its confluence with the Broad River was designated a State Scenic River by the Legislature on May 31, 1991.

2) The tailrace waters from Lake Murray reservoir provide a cold water fishery and that the Lower Saluda River is stocked with rainbow trout.

3) Whitewater (class II to V rapids) and flatwater paddling are very popular on this piedmont river.

We just finished framing two Saluda River photographs in vintage windows. They measure approximately 20” x 32” and they are ready to hang! Most of our Spring shows are being cancelled but if you’re interested these unique art pieces from the Lexington or Columbia, SC area give us a call!


Flyfishing on the Lower Saluda River

Flyfishing on the Lower Saluda River

Rapids on the Lower Saluda River

Rapids on the Lower Saluda River